
My favourite (Part II) - Stephen Chow

Yeaahhhhh...here comes the Part II of My favourite - Stephen Chow (周星驰) !!! Stephen Chow is stated as the King of the Comedy in Hong Kong. He is just too damn funny in almost all of his movies. I have his movies collection DVD..of course pirated one which just cost me around rm20 and i watch them over n over again..don know how many times..it still cant stop me from laughing (perhaps i am a retard?? @.@). Trust me..if you are not in a good mood...watch any one of his movie..guarantee...GUARANTEE!!!! you will burst out in laughter in the end. Just see how ridiculous he is :

This is his signature face expression. I know you are now haha already, no ? or at least hehe. Note : I found that my friend, Raymond is able to do this expression too and it is 95% alike.wkwkwkwk!!

Ps :Tell me please if you are one of the Stephen Chow's haters and explain to me why?? I thought he has no haters. But i found one in my life - My mom ! Everytime i watch Stephen Chow movies in the living room and laugh out loud..she will start nagging like " dien nen kan dien pa hie!" "qu neng soi ah zhou xing chi!" "du li qio zhou xing chi hun nguan nie..ngong yan nor li" I am just zzzzzz. Am i really that stupid? or i have a great sense of humour? XD ok. fine. Raymond said that i am mother fuker retarded bullshit....
Oh yeah..Stephen Chow said that Bruce Lee is one of his idol in an interview before..and the video below is how he salute Bruce Lee in one of his production - 精武门. Lets compare his 精武门 with Bruce's 精武门.

Who can be the hero of the People's Republic of China??

Never get sick with his movie.

